Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I have neglected my other passion recently, what with the knitting obsession and all... But when given gift vouchers for presents, at stores that don't sell yarn, what's a girl to buy? Yep Books! I'm yet to start the Kate Jacobs one, and to be honest, I know nothing about it apart from the fact that it has balls of yarn on the cover, and a title that contains the word "knitting" - so it must be good.

The EZ ones are as brilliant and clever as everyone promised! Take this gem for example, in reference to why use wool over synthetics:

It is true that a synethetic sweater can be washed and dried in machines, but to me this rather reduces it to the level of a sweatshirt. Washing a real sweater is akin to bathing a baby, and brings the same satisfaction of producing a clean, pretty, sweet-smelling creature - very rewarding.

Love it! I'm looking forward to having a good look through the pattern section and chosing a new project!


Tania said...

Oooooh nice haul - fun reading :)

susieq78 said...

I have read the knitting club and it is quite a good book. I found it a bit slow to begin with. Just like you I was attracted to the pretty balls of wool on the front and the word knitting on the front. Let me know what you think of it.

Rachael said...

oh yay
all mail is good mail IMO (oh except for bills obviously :P)

Ali said...

I love the Zimmerman book - they have a great DIY pattern for adult longies and drafting patterns too.