Sunday, February 04, 2007

Yarns United piece

With a little practical help and some creative inspiration from Jack, I managed to pretty much get my Yarns United piece finished today. It still has some finishing touches to be applied, and maybe something else a little special to be added too :) Check out the Yarns United store on Ozebaby here.

In other exciting news, my first born little guy is going to be a big school kid tomorrow! We've got the school uniform ready, the books labelled, Patrick all worded up on the daily routine, but I'm not sure I'm ready. I'm only going to have Max home this year - it's going to be quiet.. and Max will miss his big brother while he's at school. When Amber started school, she was sooooo ready, independant, and ready to take on the world, that I didn't have any first-day-at-school-mother-angst, but Patrick is such a different little soul, he's a lot more sensitive and reserved, and I feel very protective of him. I'm sure he'll be fine - he's looking forward to it... I'm not sure Mummy will be fine though - I'll definitely have to reserve the tears for private though ;)


Jack said...

I'll bring the tissues.....

Rachael said...

Set looks awesome Sam!

Best of luck for wee Paddy tomorrow and *hugs* for mum..

Tania said...

That is a really pretty set Sam.

All the best for tomorrow morning ... maybe you need tim-tams as well as the tissues

Bec said...

That set looks fab!!Ahhhhh good luck Patrick and mama ;)